FAME at the Automated Road Transportation Symposium

The 2023 TRB annual Automated Road Transportation Symposium (ARTS) took place on July 9-13, in San Francisco. ARTS symposia bring together thought leaders from industry, government, and research communities from around the world to discuss the ongoing research and development, technological progress, and the deployment results related to road transport automation.

Dr Stephane Dreher, Senior Manager of Innovation and Development at ERTICO, and FAME coordinator was attending the event in California to present the state of play of CCAM in the EU, as well as updates from the CCAM Partnership and some of EC-funded CCAM-related projects .

Dr Dreher’s participation in the Symposium highlights FAME’s commitment to international collaboration. The project endeavours to strengthen ties with partners from around the world, engaging in fruitful knowledge exchange and cooperative efforts to tackle shared challenges in CCAM. Partners in FAME’s consortium have been supporting the ARTS organisation for several years now by bringing EU experts into the sessions and establishing contacts between similar research initiatives in the EU and US. In particular, the project has been supporting the trilateral EU-US-Japan cooperation in ARTS but is now also focussing on identifying cooperation opportunities more globally with the objective to establish concrete cooperation areas and counterparts in several world regions (Asia, Middle East, South America), fostering a global approach to CCAM advancements.

Source: ERTICO