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Metro stations need a lot of energy…

How can that be made renewable and also reduced by strategic planning? Which tools and technologies can experienced practitioners at Wiener Linien, Hamburger Hochbahn, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, Azienda Trasporti Milanesi, Metro Madrid and Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe recommend?

If you want to learn how Flywheel energy storage systems can effectively retain energy, how energy-efficiency plans for metro systems can be developed, or how artifical intelligence can make ventilation systems use less energy … why don’t you have a look at the presentations and recording from our Interreg CE EfficienCE webinar “Planning of energy-efficient metro stations”.

Or peep into the virtual site visit videos, in which nice people from Wiener Linien explain why and with what results they put a photovoltaic foil on their metro-station Ottakring

EfficienCE aims at moving planning for energy-efficient public transport infrastructure to the next level. We look into how big data can be used, how public transport infrastructure can charge different vehicle types and what cities need to plan for that, or how we can use more local renewable energy in the public transport grid. All this will be made available in all central European languages. Stay tuned and find out more on our website.

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