Sustainable urban Masterplan for Transport and Public Spaces

City: Leipzig
Audience: Large City, FUA
Topic: Integrated Planning
Step in the SUMP cycle: Step 8: Agree on actions and responsibilities
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Sustainable urban Masterplan for Transport and Public Spaces
Activity description
The “Sustainable urban Masterplan for Transport and Public” Spaces was developed in 2015 (“Stadtentwicklungsplan Verkehr und öffentlicher Raum”) directly dealing with transport and mobility in Leipzig. It includes a description of the current situation, principles and concepts and follows the whole process of SUMP cycle as an integrated plan for Mobility and related topics. A good in view in practice for the involvement of stakeholders the progress of participation can be described for the development of traffic development plan of the City of Leipzig: The process started in 2011 with an analysis of reached objectives and principles since 2003. First purposes and the results are presented in a brochure. The further process has been realized on three different levels:
- Round table transport: The following stakeholder groups have been involved: political members of city council, interest groups and citizens organizations, city administration and public transport operators.
- Seven meetings have been realized with support of experts.
- Seven expert reports for different special topics e.g. mobility forms and mobility management.
- Citizens’ competition: This was a new innovative participation instrument to involve the knowledge of citizens in the planning process. It started with an idea phase March – October 2012 introduced by a kick-off event on March 2012.
During the process four events have been organized with specific topics. Additional intensive dialogues made wit in city districts and with city district management. A good communication channel was to involve citizen organizations to reach additional citizens esp. in schools and kindergarten. With support of experts the citizens developed project purposes for the competition. In total 618 ideas are submitted. A jury selected the best ideas for the organization of workshops in specific topics to further develop the ideas. The results have been published online. The media presence was high with positive feedback. The results of expert reports and citizens’ competition are presented within round table and modified for the integration of traffic development plan. The further ideas of citizens’ competition discussed in the process, which was not able to introduce in the plan are a basic for further transport planning on different spatial levels. Also discussion processes from other participation, planning processes and working groups are integrated in the plan e.g. for development of noise action plan and cycling development plan online based participation have been realized.
Lessons learned
Key success factors for the acceptance of SUMP are the involvement of citizens directly from the beginning in the planning. -According to SUMP principles a holistic approach took place to introduce all aspects of mobility. Round tables with all departments of the city, political parties, transport providers, police, NGOs, citizens worked well. Within the SUMP nine expert reports have been introduced. This supported the process and set focus of different topics.