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Good Practices

Graz - Chances of MaaS

jakominiplatz, graz, tram stop-2791423.jpg
Graz, Image by wordpress

City: Graz
Audience: Large City
Topic: Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
Step in the SUMP cycle: Step 8: Agree on actions and responsibilities

Activity description

In order to make a step towards MaaS in the functional urban area of Graz, within the SOLEZ project, a feasibility study as a SOLEZ pilot action was carried out by the Institute for Futures Studies and  Technology Assessment from Berlin. The feasibility study was commissioned by the City of Graz (Unit for EU Programmes and Inter-national Cooperation and the Department of Transport Planning) in cooperation with the Regional Management Metropolitan Area of Styria.

Lessons Learned

The results of the study demonstrate that the integrated MaaS approach provides a great opportunity to foster a sustainable low-emission urban mobility. In this sense, the MaaS would have the potential to decrease individual car trips and to increase social inclusion and accessibility while providing attractive mobility offers for the entire urban region.